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Iqbal International Law Services

Our service are committed for all fields of law in Pakistan. We have lawyers, advocates, attorneys, solicitors and law councilors for legal assistance on Pakistani law and as well as legal free advise internationally.We also proptect the right of the children and women as a human rights in Pakistan. We have also seperate lawyers for the human rights working on juveniles cases and for the women internationally.

It is right of every person to get justice and the lawyer help to get the justice. We are ready to support the legal help to the people and provide legal advice free of cost. There are many kinds of law. We prvide about all law related to Pakistan and we cover the law from lower court to higher courts on every law topic either it is family or civil, juvenile or bankruptcy, Succession and wills, Trade Marks and much. you can get its details on the service page.


Contact Us

Muhammad Iqbal Khan Advocate


Cell No. +92-333-2171556

KARACHI LAWYERSFor free advice in Karachi Pakistan on Divorce, Khulla, Maintenance, Dower, Dowry Articles, Adoption, Child Custody, Jactitation of marriage, Separation and much more……….

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